
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

PICturEs Along THe Way FrOm MIri To BruneI

At first glance of insect in Miri  PArk

On the way to Miri at was my lucky when I saw this bee humming between flowers along the road

Same Picture as the first but in real colour

Along the Limbang Road..make a stop enjoying the view

just playing the bubbles....

it was a colourful day...

5 minutes to touch down In Miri from The Air Asia Plane

Kaya N Toast...the best in Malaysia ..I think..hop into will know for sure

Smells so Gooooooooood

This is rice porridge ordered at Mangrove Resort

I just like this keeps repeating hahahha


common flower near the bushes in Miri

The Cheapest Airfare in the market

Big Signs of they do warranty u when u board on their planes

Dee Spa Mangrove resort...while in Brunei..u may stay here

the complete view
When we Are CLoSE to NatuRe ...tHE nATURE wILL cLOSE TO yOU....hoPEFUllY THESE VIEWS ANd NAtuRe WIlL rEMaiN tHE samE In THe nExT 20 yEARS..............